The security industry has expanded and matured over the past few decades. Security workers are more visible, have more responsibilities, and are dealing with increasingly difficult situations due to thinning police resources.

Security workers have many roles: access control, patrol, loss prevention, private investigation, executive protection, and others. With increasing responsibilities and expectations, it is critical that security workers are prepared for their role(s). However, security employers and workers report that they do not receive adequate training and are not prepared to function in their role(s).

Professionalizing the security industry is a multifaceted and long-term process that involves

CA🍁SP is moving forward on all facets, with the priority being improved training so that security workers can effectively perform their roles and responsibilities. Educating security workers, security employers, their clients, and society on the roles and responsibilities of security workers builds awareness. Society realizing the critical roles of security workers will result in increasing respect and recognition. Yes, this will take time. Add your voice to ours, and together we can effect positive changes that benefits security workers, security employers, their clients, and all Canadians.


security workersecurity professional


Current security worker training

Across Canada, several provinces require security workers take a basic training course. That course focuses on aspects of security general to the security industry: law, communication, documentation, situational awareness, and situation management. However, some provinces do not require any training whatsoever! Security workers in these provinces are being set up to fail, and they put themself, their employer, and their client at risk.

Given the confrontational and litigious nature of security work, it is critical that security workers know their rights, responsibilities, and the legislation supporting their actions. Failure to conduct themself within the confines of the law could result in criminal charges, and opens them, their employer, and/or their client to civil lawsuits.

Beyond the basic training course required by some provinces, there is no requirement for additional training. This is woefully inadequate given the confrontational and litigious nature of security work.

A few companies provide their workers with specialized in-service training. Workers in these companies indicate that this training is beneficial and gives the company a competitive advantage. They win contracts by telling prospective clients that their workers have specialized training that makes them better prepared for their roles.

Priorities of CA🍁SP include making quality in-service training available to all security workers and security employers, establishing course standards, and establishing requirements for professional designations. CA🍁SP is actively working with security representatives, security trainers, and governments to make this a reality. This would level the playing field for all security workers and security companies.


Instructional philosophy

For most people taking basic security training, all aspects of that training are new. Given this, the best strategy is to focus basic security training on aspects of security general to the security industry. This gives new security workers a solid foundation that they can apply to every security role they have. Everything they learn in basic training is important. 

When a security worker takes a new role, they should take specialized in-service training focused on that role. Relevant training when it is needed.

If something specific comes up, like they are required to attend court for the first time, they can take a court procedures course. This course prepares and empowers them to be professional in the courtroom, which increases their credibility. Again,  relevant training when it is needed.

With a repository of courses available, security workers can also take courses out of personal interest. They can expand their knowledge and skills, which helps them perform better in their personal and professional lives.


The role of CA🍁SP

CA🍁SP is an independent organization that serves the security industry by providing

  • information on the security industry to interested persons, workers, employers, clients, government, and the public
  • basic security training, which is mandatory in most provinces
  • in-service courses for security professionals looking to expand and improve their knowledge and skills
  • certificate programs to prepare security professionals for specific roles in the security industry
  • contact information of industry trainers and their training programs
  • contact information of security employers
  • advocacy to professionalize the security industry

CA🍁SP collaborates with security trainers by listing their in-person courses and by hosting their online courses. This provides them greater exposure and greater throughput of learners.

CA🍁SP collaborates with security employers by letting them list their company. This allows them to recruit security professionals focused on quality performance of their roles and responsibilities.

CA🍁SP's goal is to create a community of security professionals focused on training and quality performance of their roles and responsibilities. Over time, this will professionalize the security industry.



How much does in-service training cost? about 1 $/hr to the client's contract.

A full time employee works about 2000 hours per year. For 30 hours of in-service training, that 2000 $ would be spent as

  • replacement wages: 30 hr × 30 $/hr = 900 $
  • in-service courses: 1100 $

Clients paying an additional 1 $/hr for in-service training results in security professionals with greater knowledge and skills, increased confidence, and better ability to conduct their roles and responsibilities.